Fall asters, also known as Michaelmas daisies, are a group of flowering plants in the Asteraceae family. These plants typically bloom in late summer and into the fall. They are popular for their vibrant, daisy-like flowers and are often used to add late-season color to gardens and landscapes. Fall asters come in various species and cultivars, and they are known for their ability to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Fall asters have small, daisy-like flowers with a central disk surrounded by colorful petals. The petals can be white, pink, purple, or blue, depending on the species and variety but my favorite is the blue variety. The height of fall asters varies and you can expect a range from 1 to 4 feet tall. The foliage of fall asters is often lance-shaped and can be green or gray-green. Some varieties may have fine hairs on their leaves.

As their name suggests, fall asters typically bloom in late summer and continue flowering into the fall months, providing a late-season nectar source for pollinators. Fall asters are excellent for attracting pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, to your garden. Their late-season blooms provide essential food sources for these insects as they prepare for winter.

Plant your fall asters in an area with full to partial sun with well-draining soil. They are relatively low-maintenance and can be planted in garden borders, wildflower meadows, or container gardens. There are numerous species and cultivars of fall asters, including Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (New York aster), Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (New England aster), and Symphyotrichum laeve (smooth aster). Each has its unique characteristics and bloom colors.

To care for fall asters, regular watering during dry spells and occasional deadheading (removing spent flowers) can encourage more blooms. Division every few years can help maintain plant health and prevent overcrowding.

Fall asters are a lovely addition to autumn gardens, offering a burst of color and supporting pollinators when many other flowers have faded. They can be incorporated into perennial beds or naturalized in a wildflower garden to provide a stunning display as summer transitions into fall.